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Shaw bis (1010 Lausanne) 18m2 Chauffage, recouplage sur installation existante, rénovation |
Philipp Shaw est un autre de nos autoconstructeur rédicivistes. Après avoir fait une installation solaire de 6m2 pour l'ECS en 2008, à présent depuis longtemps payée (pour comprendre pourquoi reportez-vous par exemple à l'installation Cardinaux), il a isolé sa maison et à présent il a flingué le mazout via un agrandissement solaire. Il a fait poser un poêle à bûches, une distribution chauffage et le filtre a particules évidemment, vu qu'il est en zone urbaine. En plus, Phil prends des mesures, ceci grâce à un appareillage qui coûte des millions et la supervision d'une pléthore d'instituts sans lesquels il ne pourrait pas se débrouiller vous devez bien imaginer :-) Mais comme il vaut mieux avoir les explications de Phil l'orignal que de nous la copie, nous laissons ici Phil décrire son appareillage dans sa langue maternelle : Hello, It is much simpler to write this is in English. I know it will not be difficult for you but should you have any questions don’t hesitate to ask. Below are graphs (one showing a wood charge, one showing the behavior of the Jenni for a day and another for a week). The color scheme is simply red for the upper most probe, brown for upper middle, yellow for middle, light green for lower middle and green for the bottom. I have put in a timer such that the circulator (comprendre : de distribution chauffage) is completely shutting off from 10:30 to 17:30 (which is why the temperature is stable during this time period). I will send more later that include a better demonstration of the solar system (as such one can see which exchanger is being used and how the curves change. I also wanted to know how many times during a day that the Jenni would use the upper exchanger on my boiler so I also have those graphs which I have simplified by merely presenting the temperature peaks). Obviously it is variable but interesting. Now for the little computers. For the temperature probe data collection we used a RaspberryPi. All you have to do is search RaspberryPi and you will see a ton of stuff. People have done all kinds of things with these computers. The other computer which is more powerful but which consumes only 5 watts is the CubieTruck. We are in the process of making a weather station with the RaspberryPi. I will send more information later but at least you can take a look at this. In order to use either it is necessary to have a reasonable understanding of Linux. At least this is a start. Salut Phil |
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